CH. Amadeus amazonka
American Staffordshire Terrier
né le

Informations sur CH. Amadeus amazonka
Sexe | Mâle |
Couleur | fauve rouge |
Puce | 250269600267178 |
Statut | Décédé |
Les parents
Palmares de CH. Amadeus amazonka
champion Thèque et France
Autres titres
SHOWS - 2005 - France
Amadeus finished his french championshipp and obtained title -
FRENCH CHAMPION and obtained next titles FCI- CACS, CACIB, BOB
INTERNATIONAL SHOW - 9/2004 - France - Nevers
Amadeus took place excellent and obtained title FCI - CACS, CACIB, BOB
NATIONAL SHOW - 7/2004 - France - Semur en Auxois
Amadeus took place excellent and obtained title FCI - CACS
NATIONAL SHOW - 8/2004 - France - Chalons en champagne
Amadeus took place excellent and obtained title FCI - RCACS
NATIONAL SHOW - 5/2004 - France - Nancy
Amadeus took place excellent and obtained title FCI - CACS, BOB
INTERNATIONAL SHOW - 4/2004 - France - Mulhouse
Amadeus took place excellent and obtained title FCI - RCACIB, CACS
INTERNATIONAL SHOW - 1/2004 - France - Troyes
Amadeus took place excellent and obtained title FCI - RCACIB, RCACS
INTERNATIONAL SHOW - 9/2003- Czech Republic - Mlada Boleslav
Amadeus took PLACE in champion class and obtained title FCI - V1, CAC
INTERNATIONAL SHOW - 8/2003 - Slovak Republic - Bratislava
Amadeus took PLACE in champion class and obtained title FCI - ResCAC
July 2003 - AMADEUS proclaimed officially No.1 amstaff - winner of official TOP AMSTAFF COMPETITION Czech Republic 2002 !
Amadeus took PLACE in Champion class and obtained title FCI - ResCAC
REGIONAL SHOW - 5/2003 - Czech Republic - Hradec Kralove
AMADEUS took first place in open class and obtained title- Regional WINNER, BIG and BIS ! After long time amstaff won all show in big competition of more 500 dogs, 130 breeds, winners of 4 specials and clubs shows.
CLUB KAST SHOW - 5/2003 - Czech Republic - Jablonne
Amadeus took PLACE in intermedia class and obtained title FCI - V1, CAC, and tittle CLUB WINNER ! (judge Joke Bode-van de Meeberg - Netherland)
INTERNATIONAL SHOW - 4/2003 - Czech Republic - Ceske Budejovice
Amadeus took PLACE in open class and obtained title FCI - V1, CAC, CACIB !
Amadeus obtained NEW title FCI CZECH CAHMPION !!!
CLUB KCHMPP SHOW - 4/2003 - Czech Republic - Mlada Boleslav
Amadeus took PLACE in intermedia class and obtained title FCI - ResCAC
INTERNATIONAL SHOW - 3/2003 - Czech Republic - Ostrava
Amadeus took PLACE in open class and obtained title FCI - ResCAC
INTERNATIONAL SHOW - 10/2002 - Czech Republic - Ceske Budejovice
Last show in Czech Republic 2002, Amadeus won and took FIRST PLACE in Intermedia class and obtained title FCI - CAC , CACIB. BOB. His splendid movement in slushy tough terrain gets applause of audience. Amadeus accomplished ranking and became Club Champion !
NATIONAL SHOW - 9/2002 - Czech Republic - Brno
Amadeus took FIRST PLACE in Intermedia class and obtained title FCI - CAC .
INTERNATIONAL SHOW - 9/2002 - Czech Republic - Mlada Boleslav
Amadeus took FIRST PLACE in Intermedia class and obtained title FCI - CAC , CACIB. BOB and ResBIG !
NATIONAL SHOW - 7/2002 - Czech Republic - Mlada Boleslav
Amadeus took FIRST PLACE in YOUNG class and obtained title FCI - CAJC , BOB and BIG !!! . Amadeus became Czech Junior Champion & Club Junior Champion !
CLUB show KAST - 5/2002 - Czech Republic
Amadeus obtained title CAJC & title Young Club´s Winner KAST and took first place in young class. Absolute perfect movement and big show talent - this is Amadeus strong merit.
CLUB show KCHMPP - 4/2002 - Czech Republic
Amadeus first start in 2002 was very successful and we are happy for this. Amadeus took first place in young class and obtained title CAJC & title Young Club´s Winner KCHMPP. The judge was charmed his excellent movement and spirit.